Weekend Day:
For my weekend diet, I consume a sufficient amount of nutrients required for a nutritionally healthy lifestyle. Many of them, such as Carbohydrates, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C and Iron were all at high levels. However, there are some nutrients, such as Vitamin E and Fibre, that were below the average. Based on this graph, it indicates that my diet should include extra amounts of Vitamin E and Fibre and possibly also Magnes, which was just above the average line.
In terms of my the balance between my calorie intake and the amount of calories I burn on an average weekend day, the balance is at a good level. There is however a difference between these two categories of about 235 calories more in the amount I take in. This does suggest that over time I will continue to gain weight. However, my current weight is under my ideal weight. Because of this, the predicted weight gain does not prove to be a problem, so long that I control it later when necessary.
For my weekend diet, my calories totaled about 3,512 calories on an average weekend day. In addition to that, my diet consisted of 55% carbs, 33% fat, and 12% protein. The suggested percentages are 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein. The comparison between the two shows that my carbohydrates intake is over the recommended amount. This is mainly because on weekends my breakfast and lunch consist of carbohydrates. My fat intake is surprisingly close to the recommended amount, however my protein intake is significantly low compared to what is recommended.
For my weekday diet, much of it is the same as my weekend diet. The things such as Carbohydrates, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C and Iron are still all at high levels. However, there are more things below the average in my weekday diet. In my weekday diet, I do not get enough of Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Calcium. These four nutrients, in addition to Zinc, which is just above average, need to be an increased part of my weekday diet.
For the balance of my weekday diet, there is a slightly larger imbalance between the amount of calories i take in with the amount i burn through exercise. The difference is about 408 calories. Although weight gain is not a problem right now, I should try to balance out my calories with exercise to stay healthy.
My weekday diet consisted of 3,394 calories. On an average weekday, my carbs were at 49%, fat at 40%, and my protein intake at 11%. According to the Calorie chart, my average weekday carb intake is higher than the 40% recommended. My fat is 10% higher than what it should be and my protein intake is 19% lower than what it should be. This shows that my diet is very unbalanced on weekdays and should be changed according to what is indicated in this graph.
My weekend days tend to show a healthier aspect when observing the graphs. My calories are more balanced between what is taken in and burned during exercise. Also the fat, carb, and protein amounts are closer to the recommended percentage on weekend days. However protein is low on both days. I also tend to get more nutrients in my diet on weekend days as well. My diet is influenced by a few things, but probably the most important one would be the fact that I am a vegetarian. This is the main reason why my protein intake is lower than the recommended percentage as I do not get the amount of protein others get from eating meat. I do however, consistently eat eggs to replace meat as my main source of protein. From this activity, I have come to see that I surprisingly eat more fat than expected, especially on weekdays. I think this is because of my food choices when I eat at school. Overall, I believe that after analyzing the graphs, I am healthy in terms of my nutrition, but there certainly are aspects that I can improve my diet in.
Food Label Assignment - 10
ReplyDeleteNutritional Analysis Assignment
Graphs - 10/10
Paragraphs describing each paragraph - 5/5
Paragraph comparing weekday diet with weekend diet - 5/5
Final Grade 20/20
Great job Aditya