Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wellness Continuum Reflection

On my Wellness Continuum survey, I got a score of 17.8 out of a possible 20. My strengths in this survey were the two categories of Self Image and Safety. My Safety had a score of 39 out of 40. I find my self to be particularly strong in this category because I don't to drugs or drink alcohol or smoke. Overall I understand that safety is of utmost importance. In Self Image, I scored 40 out of 40. This score reflects my the fact that I am honest and act upon my values. However one of my weaknesses are Heredity. To prevent future health problems, I feel that it is important to make changes to my daily routine. For example, because heart disease runs in my family, I should keep fit. Also it is important to sleep on time. To prevent arthritis, I should stop cracking my knuckles, as this is one of my bad habits. Overall, I feel like I am at a good level of wellness, but as always there is more to be done.

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